Basic Protocol Template for Group Ceremony

$ 249.00 USD

Providing basic questionnaires to assess group dynamics and therapeutic alliance, this template is ideal for practitioners facilitating group sessions to measure and enhance the collective and therapeutic aspects of their practice.


This set of questionnaires is designed to assess the dynamics of group ceremonies, focusing on the therapeutic alliance and communitas among participants. It includes tools to measure the relationships and mutual support within the group, as well as the therapeutic connection between the practitioner and participants. These assessments are essential for practitioners facilitating group ceremonies to understand and enhance the collective experience, ensuring a supportive and cohesive environment. This template emphasizes creating a cohesive and harmonious environment, where participants can embark on their individual healing journeys while benefiting from the collective energy of the group.

At Flutter, our mission is to level the playing field in demonstrating the efficacy of psychedelic practices. We believe everyone, not just doctors and researchers, should have access to the tools and knowledge needed to gather data and show results.

Equal Opportunity Policy:

We are committed to breaking down barriers and promoting inclusivity in psychedelic therapy. Our reduced-fee programs and scholarships support practitioners dedicated to equitable access for marginalized populations, ensuring everyone can use validated measures and questionnaires. Please email us at for any inquiries regarding our Equal Opportunity Policy.

How to Access Our Resources:

- Add the desired PDF to your cart.
- Instructions on how to use the protocols are available in the “Instructions” tab.
- Each resource includes scoring methodology instructions for every questionnaire.

We strive to empower all practitioners to showcase the transformative impact of their work, fostering a culture of excellence and inclusivity in psychedelic therapy

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Follow this link to read instructions for the Basic Protocol Template for Group Ceremony

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Better results
By implementing our recommended operational forms in your practice, you will may see an improvement in health outcomes and quality of life for your customers or patients.
Improved client satisfaction
Participants receiving psychedelic services often report feeling greater trust and safety with their practitioner when these methodologies are implemented by design.
Reduced workload for you
By implementing our recommended forms, assessments and protocols, you will be outsourcing the demanding task of deciding on best practices, so your focus can return to the work you love.
Faster growth
By demonstrating the empirical positive results from your work, you will be able to drive more trust from new clients or patients and grow your practice more effectively.

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*These testimonials have been offered voluntarily by practitioners of psychedelic medicine facilitation.

"It would be invaluable to see consistent and frequent metrics showing clients’ health and behavioral patterns over time."

Bo Woods

Psilocybin Therapy Facilitator

"The more knowledge we have, the more we will be able to change the course of the dis-ease in our world, so we can give our grandchildren's grandchildren a fighting chance."

Drew Duncan


"This builds trust personally and systemically, and keeps practitioners & clients accountable and tracking efficacy in order to inform best practices."

Amelie Reynolds


"You are really creating something so valuable! What a special way for me to take my practice and my metrics to a whole new level!"

Kevin Clayton


"We must support and protect the integrity and potency of this work, and we need good data to do it. Flutter Initiative can help."

Jane Palmer

Book Collector

"It will be so much easier to stay on top of the various forms and assessments I need to issue to clients just to stay compliant with the new laws!"

Harry Hunter

College Student

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